
University Clubs: My Experience with Vocal Jazz

Ana and I performing Reckless Driving at the Concert
The Vocal Jazz Concert

University life is a whirlwind, and one thing that’s kept my ride exciting is diving into the world of Vocal Jazz. You’ve heard me chat about joining this crew, but today, let’s deep-dive into the awesome impact it’s had on my uni adventure.

Sure, uni clubs are resume boosters – but they’re way more than that. They’re about the friendships you forge and the skills you polish, making them vital on a personal level. This semester, I jumped into the Sopranos group of Vocal Jazz, and let me tell you, it’s been a ride

Throughout the term, we dived into four fantastic songs: “Someone in the Crowd” from La La Land, “Winter Wonderland,” Taylor Swift’s “Exile,” and the classic “I’m Still Standing.” Our hard work culminated in a concert on November 2nd, where we showcased our hard work. Oh, and did I mention the collab with SFU’s Jazz band for “I’m Still Standing”? It was a fan favourite that evening.

My best friend, Ana, and I partnered up for a duet of “Reckless Driving” by Lizzy McAlpine and Ben Kessler. Now, here’s the kicker – it was my first live performance in two years. Nerves? Oh, they were there, but everything flowed seamlessly. The rush, the applause – it was pure magic.

Looking back, I have learned so much from Vocal Jazz. From re-learning how to read sheet music to holding difficult harmonies, I can’t wait to hit repeat on this Vocal Jazz journey next semester. The camaraderie, the learning, and the joy of creating music together – it’s the heartbeat of my university life. Bring on the next set of harmonies!

Lots of love,

Elisa <3

My bestie and I After Our Performance

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