
My Journey Back to Music

Rediscovering my passion for music has been a hectic journey with lots of ups and downs. As I navigate young adulthood and university life, I find comfort in music and the endless life changing possibilities that lay within my passions. 

My Melodic Archives

Before the whirlwind of university and Canadian obligations, my life revolved around music. My diet, physical activity, school and sleep schedule was based on my musical cadence. I was the lead singer of multiple bands, represented both my countries in singing competitions, and took regular singing and piano lessons. My band and I even opened for Miley Cyrus at Sunny Hill Festival back in high school. 

Navigating University Life

However, when I moved to Canada, I found myself in the midst of an unfamiliar music industry. As stress factors added onto my life, my motivation to keep up with my music slowly dimmed. Life as a university student can feel like a juggling act. Between a full course load, part-time work and volunteer work commitments, it is so easy to lose track of one’s passions. Because of my overpacked schedule, I have neglected my passions for music, but I made a decision to change this.

My Journey Back to Music

I took a leap and booked sessions with a local producer, as well as joined the SFU Vocal jazz Club, adding on to my already chaotic schedule. Although these extracurricular commitments are definitely influencing my constant sleep deprivation and fuelling my coffee addiction, they are also providing me with the very needed escape from my other commitments. 

Songwriting at the Studio

The studio has become my safe place, my getaway from my daily responsibilities. My producer, Josh, is amazing at capturing the emotion of my lyrics into beats. Together we brainstorm and create music that truly has me giggling with excitement up until our next sessions. These studio sessions seem to be healing something in me, allowing me to fully express myself musically with no fear of judgement and without restricting myself because of others’ expectations. They are showing me that my buried and forgotten creativity and passion still exists beneath my textbooks and to-do lists. 

Joining the SFU Jazz Club

In addition to the recording sessions, I decided to tag along my best friend and join the SFU Jazz Club. I held no significant opinions about this club before joining, however, now I could not imagine my life without it. I appreciate the weekly scheduling of it as it forces me to prioritize music and singing out of respect for my friends. I have learned so much about harmonies, sight reading and group work because of Vocal Jazz. This club has provided me with a sense of belonging and community at SFU, in addition to its positive musical influences to my life. 

Coffee-Fuelled Nights

Without a doubt, reconnecting with my musical passions has had its cost. My schedule is overpacked, my nights are sleepless and my coffee addiction is at its peak. However, I would do it all over again just to feel the excitement and passion I have been feeling recently. Although I am far from where I want to be in my music career, in these past months I have learned that hobbies should not be neglected just because life gets busier. Hobbies and passions are what give life its unique melody. So here’s to the late-night studio sessions, coffee-fuelled rehearsals and my whirlwind of the schedule that keeps me going. 

Lots of love,

Elids <3

One response to “My Journey Back to Music”

  1. […] website is about a wide range of topics. Things in her ‘daily life,’ her ‘interest in singing,’ and things she finds interesting to share, like ‘insights on a driving test.’ […]

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