
Mini Assignment #3

Media Only Story

For my Mini #3 Assignment, I decided to create a collage with photos I have personally captured. Each image is a carefully chosen piece of the puzzle, contributing to the tapestry of my life. This collage shows life through my lens as it includes romanticized photos of daily mundane activities. 

It includes a photo of my makeup, which is almost a daily activity for me. It represents a celebration of my identity and creativity. I enjoy expressing myself through makeup, and enjoy the relaxing act of it. 

The photos of my room, filled with posters and personal touches, reflect the inner works of my mind. My room is not just a physical space; it is the place I feel free to fully express myself. The photos of my room represent the chapters of my story, displayed through the items that surround me.

In the photos with friends, I showcase the joy and bonds that my female friendships give me. These images freeze moments of laughter, camaraderie, and shared adventures, underlining the significance of the relationships that colour my life.

The selfie of me in tears after a failed driver’s test is a vulnerable moment captured in time. It’s not just about the setback but also about resilience and the emotions tied to the journey of growth. Through this photo, I open a window into the highs and lows of navigating adulthood.

Favourite stores become visual bookmarks of my preferences and interests. They represent the places where I find inspiration, indulge my passions, or simply lose myself in the experience of exploring.

The piano photo is a glimpse into my soul’s melody. It symbolizes my passion that goes beyond words—a connection to emotions and creativity that I wish to share through this collage.

In essence, these photos collectively tell the story of my 20-year-old self, capturing the beauty, challenges, and the myriad of experiences that shape my perspective on the world.

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