
Indicators of a Failed N Test

I am sure all of you were tossing and turning at night, wondering and pondering whether or not I passed my fourth driver’s test on November 14th. To answer your question: I FAILED! AGAIN! Unfortunately, I will keep commuting to university until 60 days have passed from the date of my test so I can take the test again. You know what they say, fifth time’s the charm!

Although I might not have any tips on how to pass your test, I can certainly share information on how to know if you have failed. I will be sharing four indicators for a failed driver’s test for my four failed attempts. If anyone is the expert on this topic it is definitely me.

1 . You are Albanian

Albanian drivers are so-called crazy. Even if you might be able to maneuver your car like a pro Fast and Furious driver, unfortunately the ICBC examiners will not be impressed with such skills. Matter of fact, they will be scared for their lives. So maybe do not learn how to drive in Kosovo first, just to switch to driving in Canada afterwards. Or just avoid driving in Kosovo period. The lack of Albanian blood may pose challenges on Albanian roads.

2 . Broken Silence

During your N test, if the examiner breaks the tension filled silence at any point to give you a teeny tiny little tip, you failed. Four times in a row, whenever the instructors gave me a small little tip on the road, I though they were just being caring and helpful. However, in their eyes they saw it as “taking control of the vehicle.” And if they feel the need to take control of the vehicle, you are done for.

3 . Driver Examiner Turned Author

My first few tries, when I noticed the examiner writing on their assessment paper, I genuinely thought they were writing about how good of a driver I was. However, four tries later, I have learned that if they turn to their paper and write profusely, they are writing down the reasons why you failed.

4 . “Pull in Wherever”

The last and most obvious indicator that you failed your N test is if the examiner asks you to pull in and park wherever at the end of your test. Apparently, if you have a successful test, you will be asked to back into a parking slot. I have never experienced this, since after every attempt I have failed and been asked to pull in.

If you ever feel bad about yourself for failing YOUR driver’s test, just remind yourself that at least Elisa failed 4 times! However, whether I fail four times or one hundred, what is important is that I keep trying. Safe driving everyone and good luck on getting those green Driver’s Licenses!

Lots of love,


One response to “Indicators of a Failed N Test”

  1. […] her ‘interest in singing,’ and things she finds interesting to share, like ‘insights on a driving test.’ Described in simple terms, the interests of her identity are the topic of her […]

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