
A Day in My Life

Rise and shine fellow warriors of the university grind! Today was one of those busy days that perfectly represent the whirlwind of student life. I decided to document and share the highlights of my day.

Morning Rush

Mornings are my favourite part of the day. For that reason, I wake up ridiculously early every day so I can enjoy them as much as possible. A big reason on why I love mornings so much is my perfectly choreographed morning routine and delicious coffee. I also love listening to my favourite songs of the month while I get ready, to get me motivated and awake for the rest of the day. After I was ready, I left the comfort of my comfy room and headed to campus for a packed day.

Gym Shenanigans with my Bestie

What’s a day without some sweat and laughter? My friend and I caught up at the gym while we hit legs before our classes. We shared stories between our reps and laughed off our stress. A morning workout was just what we needed to conquer our classes and home work for the rest of the day.

Refuelling the Body and Brain

Post-gym, we treated ourselves to a well-deserved snack at Tim Hortons and studied at our favourite spot, the WMC third floor. We studied separately in each other’s company as we drank our second coffee of the day and snacked onto our shared timbits. We ran into our other friends in between classes, and spent some time with each other before we parted ways.

Academic Weapon Mode

After recharging mentally and physically, I made my way to my Philosophy class. The class was engaging, and the two hours went by quite fast as I typed away into my laptop. The more I grow up, the more I appreciate learning and class discussions. Being exposed to new ideas and different ways of thinking through discussions with my peers is so refreshing. I enjoy bonding over shared ideas, but I also appreciate the occasional heated debates.

Home Sweet Home

Finally, after a long eight hour day on campus, I made my way back home. I took advantage of my transit time to read my current read, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. My journey was filled with giggles and gasps because of the captivating story, making my sky-train ride go by with the blink of the eye. When I got home, I took a moment to unwind and watched an episode of Gilmore Girls before I decided to get in a bit more productivity in before calling it a day. I practiced some of my favourite pieces on the piano, and read a couple more pages of my book before I was ready to doze off.

And there you have it – a snapshot of a typical day in the life of a university student. From workouts and study sessions to unexpected encounters and moments of musical escape, each day is a unique blend of challenges and triumphs. Here’s to embracing the chaos and finding joy in the journey!

Lots of love,


One response to “A Day in My Life”

  1. […] website is about a wide range of topics. Things in her ‘daily life‘, her ‘interest in singing‘, and things she finds interesting to share like […]

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