
Weekly Posts

University Clubs: My Experience with Vocal Jazz

University life is a whirlwind, and one thing that’s kept my ride exciting is diving into the world of Vocal Jazz. You’ve heard me chat about joining this crew, but today, let’s deep-dive into the awesome impact it’s had on my uni adventure. Sure, uni clubs are resume boosters, that develops one’s leadership and teamwork…

Volunteering with Let’s Talk Science

University life is a multifaceted journey, and while academics often take center stage, the significance of volunteering should not be overlooked. Beyond the confines of lecture halls and textbooks, engaging in volunteer work adds a layer of depth to the student experience, fostering personal growth, community connection, and the development of crucial life skills. In…

From Studio Sessions to My First Single

In November, my musical journey took a turn as I teamed up with Josh, a talented producer at Helm Studios. Balancing work and classes, I dedicated three evenings a week to our studio sessions, using music as a cathartic outlet. The culmination of our efforts is an exciting project that, though lacking a title for…

Indicators of a Failed N Test

I am sure all of you were tossing and turning at night, wondering and pondering whether or not I passed my fourth driver’s test on November 14th. To answer your question: I FAILED! AGAIN! Unfortunately, I will keep commuting to university until 60 days have passed from the date of my test so I can…

My Journey Back to Music

Rediscovering my passion for music has been a hectic journey with lots of ups and downs. As I navigate young adulthood and university life, I find comfort in music and the endless life changing possibilities that lay within my passions.  My Melodic Archives Before the whirlwind of university and Canadian obligations, my life revolved around…

One thing about me, is that I am the best Albanian driver you will ever meet. Another thing about me is that I am the WORST Canadian driver you will ever meet. I never knew driving skills could be ethnically explained until I self-reflected and took a long look in the mirror. I started driving…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! And by that I don’t mean holiday season. I mean HALLOWEEKEND! There are many reasons why Halloweekend (the weekend before and including Halloween) is every university student’s favourite time of the year. Me dressed up as Regina George dressed up as a bunny “But it’s Halloweekend…” As…

Life can get overwhelming, and sometimes, you just need a break. That’s exactly what my friends and I did when we decided to ditch the textbooks and head to the pumpkin patch for a day of carefree fun. A Spooky Musical Ride Going to the pumpkin patch involved ridding a charming truck. Our guide was…

Growing up comes with its revelations, and as the years unfold, my love and gratitude for the privilege of a higher education continues to deepen. Each day at school is a testament to the opportunities and knowledge that this journey unfolds, and here’s why I love university life so much…

Grab your blue light glasses and let’s chat about something that rocked our academic boat this semester- the TSSU strike. Strike’s are nobody’s idea of a good time, but it especially hit us students hard. I’m here to share how the TSSU strike shook things up and left us with a newfound appreciation for the…

Rise and shine fellow warriors of the university grind! Today was one of those busy days that perfectly represent the whirlwind of student life. I decided to document and share the highlights of my day. Morning Rush Mornings are my favourite part of the day. For that reason, I wake up ridiculously early every day…

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