
Peer Review 2

Screenshot of “Little Horrors Reviews” Home Page

This is a review of Arianne Cervantes’ website called “Little Horrors Reviews”. The visual design of the website matches the theme of the website’s content with its dark and witchy ambiance. The main colours of the website are black and purple, while the text is white. This colour combination creates a good contrast, making it easy for viewers to identify the text. However, although the contrast makes the text visually more noticeable, I personally had difficulties reading the text because of the font choice. The font is visually appealing and gives the website a clean look, but I find the spacing between the letters to be too narrow, making it difficult to read. The inclusion of the accessibility option for the website was really helpful in this case though. I was able to increase the text size based on my needs. 

The blog posts are fitting to the theme of the website, and I find them to be the perfect length to keep readers engaged. As a fellow horror fan, I appreciate the content of each blog post. My favourite post was the review of The Nun II movie. I enjoyed this post as I had very similar thoughts about this movie, as I would give it the same rating of 6 broomstick emojis out of 10. 

All the social media link buttons are fully functional, as they redirect the viewer to the specified pages. The header is completed with all the necessary pages required for the course. The admin has successfully created drop down menus and linked all the necessary pages and posts under PUB101. However, when I clicked on the titles of “Blog Posts” and “Process Posts” I was taken to empty pages. I later on realized there were additional links attached to these titles through dropdown menus, that were functional. The presence of duplicate titles that lead to different pages can be slightly confusing. I would suggest either linking each individual post under the drop down menus, or eliminating the dropdown menu option completely so there are no duplicate titles.

Arianne’s website is definitely in the right direction. It is generally easy to navigate and very entertaining. I have been regularly checking up on this website because of my own curiosities on other people’s opinions on horror movies/shows. I am excited for new updates and blog posts for this website!

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