
Category: Weekly Posts

  • University Clubs: My Experience with Vocal Jazz

    University life is a whirlwind, and one thing that’s kept my ride exciting is diving into the world of Vocal Jazz. You’ve heard me chat about joining this crew, but today, let’s deep-dive into the awesome impact it’s had on my uni adventure. Sure, uni clubs are resume boosters – but they’re way more than…

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  • Volunteering with Let’s Talk Science

    University life is a multifaceted journey, and while academics often take center stage, the significance of volunteering should not be overlooked. Beyond the confines of lecture halls and textbooks, engaging in volunteer work adds a layer of depth to the student experience, fostering personal growth, community connection, and the development of crucial life skills. In…

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  • From Studio Sessions to My First Single

    In November, my musical journey took a turn as I teamed up with Josh, a talented producer at Helm Studios. Balancing work and classes, I dedicated three evenings a week to our studio sessions, using music as a cathartic outlet. For two months, we have been working on an exciting project that although is lacking…

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  • Mini Assignment #4

    I decided to use this week’s mini assignment to give my MacBook Desktop a makeover. I take pride in being a person who loves school and organizing my space. Therefore, I decided to showcase this love of mine by making an aesthetically pleasing scrapbook-like wallpaper from scratch. I used the website Canva for editing, and…

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  • Mini Assignment #2

    Gossip Girl’s Take on the Quarter-Life Crisis Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here with the 411 on the quarter-life crisis drama taking over the lives of the youth. Brace yourselves because, spoiler alert, your friends are the real MVPs in this rollercoaster ride. The Quarter-Life Jump Scare While young adulthood may be exciting, the…

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  • Essay 2

    The Impacts of AI on Student Learning and Educator Efficiency   Introduction The uprising improvement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is irreversibly changing the nature of education and student learning. AI is human intelligence simulated into computers and machines to replicate human actions (Kohli R. et al., 2021). Its integration into the education system has simplified…

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  • Mini Assignment #3

    For my Mini #3 Assignment, I decided to create a collage with photos I have personally captured. Each image is a carefully chosen piece of the puzzle, contributing to the tapestry of my life. This collage shows life through my lens as it includes romanticized photos of daily mundane activities.  It includes a photo of…

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  • Indicators of a Failed N Test

    I am sure all of you were tossing and turning at night, wondering and pondering whether or not I passed my fourth driver’s test on November 14th. To answer your question: I FAILED! AGAIN! Unfortunately, I will keep commuting to university until 60 days have passed from the date of my test so I can…

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