
About Me

Welcome to the digital diary of the average twenty-year-old girl who is in denial about becoming an adult ! I’m Elisa Bruci, your guide through the highs and lows of this exhilarating journey of entering young-adulthood! Delighted to have you on board!

I am a third year university student majoring in Psychology and minoring in Counselling and Human Development. I absolutely love my field of study, so I romanticize homework and studying as much as I can. Beyond my academic pursuits, I spend most of my free time focusing on music. I am a singer, and I am interested in writing and releasing my own music soon.

I also sing soprano with the SFU Vocal Jazz Club which has been an amazing addition to my university life this year! Above all, I am also passionate about health and fitness. Incorporating regular fitness in my day has completely changed my life by improving my mental and physical health. 

I welcome you to my digital diary, where I will share experiences in these areas of my life (and more) as I try to navigate adulthood, while still holding on to the core of my teenage spirit!

Thanks for being here,

Elisa <3

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